Calm down oh heartI know it’s tough,Yet true peace you may not find,If yielded to this flesh.Calm down oh heart… It’s time. A heart like this,May hear not well,The whisper of the Shepherd.Dwell not on matters that profit low,Let grow and nurture in love instead.Calm down oh heart.. It’s time. Love more and to hate […]
Cherishing your spouse TODAY
Archive It’s so common to see people encourage betrothed couples to spend more time with each other over calls or chat yet once they are married, we often think that ‘everything is over’, they have had enough time with each other and they need not invest more time together. This is so untrue.. Their journey […]
Godliness with contentment
Archive Yes, godliness with frugality is a great gain !! Many of us are living in the higher middle class standard of life. That means while we might not have lakhs and crores in our bank accounts, we do have a little more each month to spend on ourselves and on our families. And with […]
Beauty in weakness
From the archive: We are slowly retrieving the lost articles and posting them back again. The divine pathway to a victorious life in Christ is such a strange one. In the worldly terms, one has to be self sufficient, strong, famous, rich and healthy to achieve what he needs to yet if we seek to […]
What really matters!!!! God’s best – our eternal best!
A particular weekend, as we were sitting, discussing and planning a few things post putting the children to sleep. I remember the discussion between us ended up with me getting up from the couch with tears in my eyes telling my husband nothing seems to fall in its place. All our plans seem to be […]
Chaotically Beautiful
And this morning, I wish and hope to begin my journey of writing once again even as I am home alone with our 6-month-old boy – Craig. I am aware that even the slightest sound of the flip of the pages of this dairy could wake up this gentle sleeper, yet I hope to somehow […]