Calm down oh heart
I know it’s tough,
Yet true peace you may not find,
If yielded to this flesh.
Calm down oh heart… It’s time.
A heart like this,
May hear not well,
The whisper of the Shepherd.
Dwell not on matters that profit low,
Let grow and nurture in love instead.
Calm down oh heart.. It’s time.
Love more and to hate say farewell,
Give love and hold back not,
Give not in measures of self defined will,
Let flow the love of Christ, let flow and overflow.
Calm down oh heart… It’s time.
Weep well at the Savior’s feet,
Lest the temptation might overcome,
the fragility of your being,
Seek nothing besides His love, His mercy and His righteousness
Give love and hold back not.
Calm down oh heart…. It’s time
When swayed by trials, waves of emotions,
Stay still and utter to man no word,
Refrain from taking a step ahead,
Until His peace has found a home
In your heart.
Calm down oh heart… It’s time
Let loose, let go
Let nothing of the flesh reside
As He exposes the dirt and the filth.
Choose to let go and find refuge in Him.
Calm down oh heart… It’s time
The world outside has nothing to offer,
Just dust and frail pleasures,
Know for sure these can never provide,
Joy that could overflow instead.
Just rest at the foot of the cross,
And He will come and see you through.
Calm down oh heart…. It’s time
And when you have faired well,
Glory not at your self.
Know it was His power and mercy,
That sustained and firmed your steps.
Calm down oh heart… It’s time
And say I’m Thine… I’m Thine… Oh Lord I’m Thine!!